Discovery day

2024 Edition

More on the first edition

Course of the day

The Discovery Day will feature several workshops, all offered free of charge to participants.

Participants will have the chance to take part in workshops on the life cycle of salmon, medicinal plants and their use by the Innu, canoe building using traditional methods, fly casting techniques and much more. The event will close with a screening of the 2024 edition of the Festival de film de pêche à la mouche (PALM).

We offer an enriching day for all levels, for young and old alike, who want to discover all that nature has to offer.

We'll be delighted to welcome musicians to set the mood at the activity site. Snacks and beverages will be served throughout the day.


Event location:
Sept-Îles - On the Chalet Scandinave site and at the Innu-Nikamu Festival space

May 25 2024

Thank you to our partners